
Supported Independent Living Accommodation

A Zest for a New Life


What are SIL?

SIL is a popular NDIS scheme addressing and supporting people with disabilities, where a person with a disability lives with others. Supported Independent Living is a core support from the NDIS (National Disability Insurance) from the federal government in Australia. Under this scheme, you get essential support in your daily life to handle tasks like cleaning, cooking, and personal care from care providers. Allianz, a leading caregiver and SIL NDIS provider from Adelaide facilitates the NDIS assisted living for the disabled in Australia.

SIL accommodation, Supporting Independent Living from Allianz, is one of the most popular schemes under the NDIS program. We provide it to our participants from the disabled community. Our dedicated caregivers support you in your daily lives.


How our trained caregivers support?

Our trained caregivers support you in personal care, meal preparation, and accompanying you for an outdoor walk or shopping, which are the few that meet your typical requirements. Allianz SIL accommodations are perfect for your needs and requirements, with housemates who share your interests.

Allianz enjoys a high reputation as a leading SIL provider from Adelaide, adding to the participants' sense of freedom and confidence. Our caregivers care for your daily needs, enabling you to learn new skills or cultivate hobbies.


How makes a qualitative difference ?

Our supported independent living accommodation makes a qualitative difference in your life as you can nurture your passion for what you are good at, pursue new goals, or explore new horizons.

If you or a loved one experiences a disability, please feel free to contact us today. We will guide you through applying for our support services, funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), to ensure you can live life to the fullest.

Allianz SIL accommodation is perfectly customized to your needs and requirements, fostering a sense of community where you will find and make friends with like-minded people with similar interests and values. This sense of community and companionship will make you feel connected and less isolated, enhancing your overall well-being.

Interested in SIL Accomodation?

If you are interested in being SIL accomodation, please contact us directly or fill out the enquiry form below and one of our friendly team members will get in touch with you.

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